Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 26-30, 2011

Language: Test 2. (13 points)
Including pages 12-16; Comma rules 1-4.
Capitalize the first word in every sentence.
Capitalize the word "I"
Capitalize days of the week and months of the year (but NOT seasons)
Capitalize holidays and special days.
Math: Test 2 (12 points)
Including pages 27-34
Understand Penny and dollar bill
Multiplying with carrying
English measurements
Math: Homework page 36 exercises 4-7 (3 points)
Reading: Poetry Album due (1o points)
Poetry album must include any 5 poems from the reading book Paths to Adventure (1 point each)
Accompanying each poem must be one picture. The picture may be a photograph, printed from the internet, cut from a magazine/newspaper, or neatly hand drawn and colored. (1 point each)
Spelling: Test List 4 (8 points)
Study list 4 from Spelling and Poetry 3
Science: Quiz 2 (10 points)
The ear. Study pages 13-17.
Math: Homework page 40 exercises 4-8 (2 points)
Phonics: Short vowel test (10 points)
Study packets. Be able to identify short vowel sounds.
a in apple; e in elephant; i in indian; o in ostrich; u in umbrella.
If you need extra help in pronunciation, the vowel sounds may be heard here:


  1. Miss Alyssa Dios le bendiga el motivo de mi mensaje es que mi hijo Jesé Varela no me trajo el Weekly Report del 10 al 14 de octubre si es posible me lo puede enviar a mi correo


    Atte. Pedro Varela
